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NEW Golden Twist Nilgiri Black Tea

NEW Golden Twist Nilgiri Black Tea

Regular price €14,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €14,00 EUR
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About Golden Twist Nilgiri Tea
  • Golden twist tea's name is derived from its twisted and wiry tea leaves with silver edges and golden liquor.
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  • A tea connoisseur's favorite, this aromatic black tea procured from the heavenly mountains of Nilgiri is highly recommended for its unique robust flavor and single clone characteristics.
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  • The unfurling of golden leaves is visually pleasing and will relieve stress just like gazing over forest greens.
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  • Low in caffeine, this Nilgiri black tea is a perfect choice as a healthy breakfast tea best enjoyed without milk or sugar.
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Tea Ingredients, Flavor & Benefits



Black Tea


Flavor Profile
Sweet muscatel taste with mild pepper-like undertones



  • Low in caffeine, great for multiple infusions
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  • Relaxes your nerves and stimulates mental health
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Tea Brewing Instructions
  • Boil one cup (200 ml) water in a pot (up to 100\u00b0C/212\u00b0F).
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  • Add one teaspoon of tea to a cup or strainer. Pour hot water on the leaves.
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  • Let it steep for 2-3 minutes.
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  • Enjoy!
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